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Author Archives: Kevin Shroyer - PrimeSpec Consulting, LLC

Home Shoppers Beware of Newly Remodeled Homes

I get it; buying a newly remodeled home could take a lot of the stress out of buying and remodeling almost immediately. I mean the new work surely involved experienced contractors, professional electricians and plumbers, and inspections as the permit requires, right? Or did it? The newly remodeled kitchen may look amazing and you canContinue ReadingContinue Reading

Don’t Miss a Sale Because of a Bad Home Inspection

All experienced home buyers request a home inspection before signing the mortgage paperwork. Many do it because they’ve read that it is the right thing to do while others do it because they’ve been burned in a previous home purchase. Today I wanted to mention four key areas that often fall through the cracks whenContinue ReadingContinue Reading

Watch for these Red Flags when Searching for Your Dream Home

Some people will stop at nothing short of outright deceit to sell a house. It’s my job to discover potential problems before buyers become trapped in a mortgage on an unworthy home. Here’s a list of several things you can look for on your own before you call me for a full home inspection inContinue ReadingContinue Reading

Read this before You Purchase that Newly Painted Home

Everyone can agree that a newly painted home looks amazing. The new colors usually bring out the amazing qualities of the home. Many homeowners paint the entire interior of their home when they’re preparing to sell. This leads buyers to think nothing is out of place or unusual when they see newly painted walls inContinue ReadingContinue Reading

So You Have a Home Inspection Report, What’s Next?

Home sales are easy right? As long as a buyer and seller agree on a price, a house sale is a done deal. Isn’t it? Okay, don’t leave the blog right away and write me off as a bumbling idiot. I know it isn’t that cut and dry. Many sales, in all actuality, are theContinue ReadingContinue Reading

Why Your Home’s Guttering System is Important

I understand that the Gilbert / Phoenix area doesn’t typically see a lot of rain, but the triple digit temperatures are back and with them come the monsoon rains. Then the skies turn grey, I know we all breathe a sigh of relief. The temperature will drop some, even if it’s only a few degrees,Continue ReadingContinue Reading

DIY Electrical and Plumbing Repairs that Do Not Require a Permit

Many times during my home inspections I have to recommend the potential buyer review with the seller and city if permits were obtained for improvements made to the house. Homeowners sometimes get stumped as to what they are legally allowed to do in terms of home improvement. There are a lot of things that youContinue ReadingContinue Reading

Time To Check Your Home’s Lawn Sprinkler System

Here in the Phoenix / Gilbert area I always include the inspection of the lawn sprinkler system as part of my Home Inspections. Conserving water is an important thing for homeowners today, not only for the environment but also the wallet. Oftentimes, people just naturally assume that it costs a great deal to keep aContinue ReadingContinue Reading

The Main Things to Look at When Buying a House

If you are in the market for a house and you’re not planning to build, you could be looking at one that is at least a few years old. The problem with buying a house is that you can’t always tell right away if there are underlying problems. Many people have put themselves in difficultContinue ReadingContinue Reading

Why Some Homeowners End up With Buyer’s Remorse

Buyer’s remorse is a relatively common occurrence in the housing market, but many buyers do not have to go through this if they do things right to begin with. One of the most common complaints is that the house is not big enough. This can be avoided with a realistic assessment of your family’s spaceContinue ReadingContinue Reading